Explore. More.

We help Churches EXPLORE God's IMPACT Locally & Abroad.

Every Church Deserves 3 Types of Leaders

The Leadership Stool

The image of the stool is powerful. When we are missing a leg, it is difficult to keep our balance.


Pastors do a lot of things: they preach, teach, visit, organize. But at the heart of their work is the ability to “equip the saints [the church] for the work of ministry” (see Ephesians 4).


Organizational leaders have the ability two do two things. First, they align the work flow, ministries and missions of the church to the goals of the church. Second, the have the ability to help their people make hard decisions.


Local mission leaders have the ability to help their congregations reach the masses, serve needs that arise, invite individuals into fellowship groups, and welcome people into a vibrant life of faith in the Christian community.

Request help!

Are you looking for a customized leadership model that works for your church?

Call or Text Matt: 330-230-7752


The Psalms remind us that even if we make our bed at the farthest limits of the sea, or rest in the place of the dead, that God will still find us.

Working on this theme, Matt has provided three booklets to help all members of the Christian community provide Christian care for those who are in need. All three booklets can come with relevant training. Please ask.

Likewise, if you feel that you have something productive to add to these booklets, please let us know and Matt will work with you to add it to these resources.


This is a basic introduction to help all Christians think through what it means to provide Christian care for others. 

Presence: A Guide for Christian Care (PDF)

A resource to help pairs of Christians visit and bless others during a time of need.

Presence: Liturgies of Care (PDF)(Word)(Pages)

A helpful companion resource to be used with Book 2.

Presence: Scriptures of Comfort, Hope, and Peace (PDF)(Word)(Pages)


Prayer Lab: Participating in God’s Inner Conversation

“Matt eased my fears by letting me know I don’t have to impress anyone with my prayers.”

“The best part of the day was when Matt told me that Jesus takes my imperfect prayers and changes them to perfect prayers, then offers them to God.”

“Others should participate because when it’s over you feel so confident and at ease saying a prayer out loud.”

“I loved that we tried different ways to practice saying prayers. It was helpful, and not overwhelming.”

“I learned that others have the same fears about praying out loud as I do! Knowing others feel what I feel is comforting. They are trying to overcome the same feelings as me! Many of the methods or ways to overcome fear were helpful!”

“Matt stretched us in incremental and well planned ways, in a very short time.”

“This was a very good learning experience on how to design and create prayers. It helped me feel closer to God and those who were there.”

“I loved when we I felt confident enough to pray for someone else’s concern.”

Request this Training:) Introductory Video


Mission Lab: Stepping Stones to Faith

“I realized that our church had no mission strategy.”

“O Lord! Before this day, why did we not use mission to build relationships with people?” “I learned how to begin interactions with people.” “Thank you! I personally have been given new ideas to become a better local mission chair! I love building relationships with folks!!” “It was helpful to develop an action plan for local mission!” “The stepping stones are so simple, but helpful! I do not know why we did not think of these before.” “I enjoy that Matt presented some real and practical ideas for making local mission powerful to the church and our larger community.” “I appreciate the clear organization and presentation! Founded in scripture and full of examples is so helpful! Thank you!!!” “While I realized that we have not be doing everything well. But I appreciate that we started by celebrating what we do, and made plans to make our local mission more powerful.” “It is exciting to me that mission is not just feeding people but growing faith–mine and others.” “It is a relief to begin to know that mission can take place anywhere and at anytime. It isn’t just at an event. Mission is a way of life! This is discipleship.” Request this training!Introductory Video

Christendom is dying,

but the Church is about to THRIVE!

Feel stuck as a church? Have you tried these three steps? Getting started is easy. Name the reality that Christian influence and power is about to cease in the West. For more information, read Matt’s article in the Presbyterian Outlook.

The Power of Naming

1. The Power of Naming

Like a doctor who does not tell a patient they have cancer, Christian leaders fall short when they do not clearly state that Christendom is coming to an end. Without honest communication about our state of being, the church can not move forward to more fully embrace God’s near Kingdom of healing, wholeness, assurance, forgiveness, and salvation.

Discussion Questions

2. The Power of Grieving

After having several honest conversations about the death of Christendom, it is time to help our people grieve the loss of the church that we once knew. As we mourn, it is important to remember that Christendom, established by the Roman Emperor Constantine, is not the church. In fact, as Christendom falls, we have the opportunity to reclaim the church in more powerful ways.

Discussion Questions

3. The Power of Empowerment

After naming the state of our churches, and providing opportunities to lament what we have lost, it is time for the church to reform.

We will reform as we learn what it means to proclaim the good news of God as expressed by Jesus, “The Kingdom of God is at hand…” During this transition we will more fully learn and experience what it means to live into God’s near Kingdom which is characterized by healing, wholeness, assurance, forgiveness, and salvation. Discussion Questions

Key Articles by Matt

A letter to ruling elders: Let’s help our pastors lead well

Every pastor deserves someone who loves them and their church equally, someone who can help them navigate the challenges of ministry and avoid aimless drifting.

A letter to Ruling Elders

It’s time to rethink Calvin’s definition of “true church”

While Word and Sacrament are essential, they cannot be our lowest common denominator for ministry expectations. Instead, learn from Jesus’ ministry in Mark 1, or help to develop your own robust ministry expectations.

Beyond Word and sacrament

The power of naming

Without naming issues, humans have no hope of moving past their struggles. As a 21st century western church, we have to name that our influence and position in the world has drastically changed in the past decades.

The Death of Christendom

Theology of leadership during crisis

When we waded into the pandemic, we had to prepare ourselves to lead through a crisis. Well, COVID-19 is not our only challenge. Need some tips on leadership? You will benefit from this!

Theology of leadership

Inside-Out Faith

 Jesus goes to people and so did the early church.

Instead of asking where all of the people have gone, our churches will be more faithful to ask: where is Jesus going? Living in community with those who are outside of our bounds is the setting of God’s good news and the context of discipleship.

Let’s Move the Church Forward Together!

We have a lot of fun going on around MVP. Join the party by staying up to date:)

Get in Touch

PO Box 1479

Ashland, OH 44805

Alison Blondheim, Stated Clerk: [email protected]

Na Yang, Administrator: (330) 230-7751

Matt Skolnik, General Presbyter: (330) 230-7752