God’s Saving Action
During Communion, as we give thanks, it is appropriate to recall and celebrate all the ways that God has saved. To do this, you can praise God for any of the times salvation and deliverance were gifted in the scriptures. You can also thank God for how he is saving people in your community and world today. To get a sense of what has been done by others, the following is a portion of the Great Thanksgiving in the Book of Common Worship.

It is truly right and our greatest joy to give you thanks and praise, O Lord our God, creator and ruler of the universe.
You formed us in your image and set us in this world to love and serve you. When we were captives in slavery, you delivered us to freedom, and made covenant to be our sovereign God. When we were stubborn and stiff-necked, you spoke to us through prophets who looked for that day when justice shall triumph and peace shall reign over all the earth.
Therefore we praise you, joining our voices with the celestial choirs and with al the faithful of every time and place, who forever sing to the glory of your name.
Questions to Consider
What is your favorite story in the Bible where God saves people? Why?
How has God delivered you in the past month?
Why is it important to name the ways that God saves?