Elder Enhancement

Elder Enhancement

Grow your skills. Act on your faith.

Being a Christian is a life long process of growing and maturing. Even when we have set backs, we strive to take the next step to serve God and share the good news of Christ everywhere. To do this, we often need training. All elders are invited to join us as we grow together.


The hallmark of Christian community is love. One of the most tangible ways we demonstrate love together is by sharing life together and supporting one another in prayer. With pastors, all elders are leaders through prayer.


As we share life together, we center ourselves around Jesus–the Living Word of God. As part of this, we read, study, and are fed by the Written Word of God. With pastors, all elders are leaders through study.


Leadership is an important need in the Christian community. While Christ is the head, our ruling elders, along with pastors, and responsible for the health of the Christian life we share together. This is more than a matter of developing budgets. Leadership is all about helping the church take a next faithful step as we participate in the mission of God together.


Do you know what Presbyterian means? The world “Presbyterian” is based in a Greek word that means elder. We call ourselves Presbyterians because we are a people who are governed together through the prayers and actions of elders. Elders are not representatives of the congregation, but are charged to seek the will of God together. The study of how we govern ourselves is rooted in the beautiful theology and practices that are in our Book of Order.


One of the benefits of the Presbyterian Tradition is that we do not have to agree. Like the Bible, our Book of Confessions is filled with various points of view. Being a Presbyterian is not about having a long check list of total agreement. Instead, like Jacob, we celebrate that we get to wrestle with the scriptures, the tradition, and cultural together as we try to be as faithful as possible.


Our worship centers around the Word of God: Jesus as the Living Word of God; the scriptures as the Written Word of God; the sacraments as the Visible Word of God; and the Spoken Word of God–preaching. In all forms, we believe God’s Word is a gift. Calvin often described God’s Word–especially the sacraments as an accommodation for our benefit–God meeting our deepest needs in ways we can experience and understand.


One of our central struggles is that we have a need to clarify what mission is and what mission is not. What is the difference between doing nice things and Christian mission? What is our goal? How do we best achieve these goals, and how do we get all within the church to share in our common mission in ways that fit their spiritual gifts?


Across the world, fear of public speaking is our number 1 phobia. We are more afraid of public speaking than death!

Welcome to Christian leadership! But here is the little known secret:) Preaching is not about us speaking. It is about finding the voice of God and sharing God’s word. Preaching is so much easier than public speaking! Learn how!

Workshop Schedule, 2025

Gather at 9 am for coffee/tea and fellowship. The morning session is from 9:30am to noon. Lunch is from noon to 1pm. The afternoon session is from 1-4pm with a deeper focus on the topic.  Donations highly appreciated.

All are welcome to join.

Only March 8 and April 26 are required for CRE students, though all would be beneficial.

General Steps to become a Commissioned Ruling Elder (Pastor)

For detailed information please contact Edith Ophardt.

Learn More

Work with the Commission on Ministry Preparation to determine which MVP workshops and trainings are required for you.

Some workshops above are beneficial even for seasoned pastors.


The easiest way to do this is online at Dubuque Theological Seminary. Courses include: Reformed Theology, Old Testament, and New Testament.


Each CRE candidate will be paired with a mentor who will come alongside them through each focus of their training to provide additional guidance.


Each CRE candidate will be paired with a practicum site in which they will get hands on practice for each of the areas.


Commissioning only takes place when the Commission on Preparation for Ministry agrees that the CRE candidate is proficient in all areas. This is not only a matter of knowledge and demonstrated skills, but also includes sense of call, and approval by COM, the presbytery, and a local congregation.