Stated Presbytery Meeting


This presbytery meeting is returning to a pre-COVID format. As requested, we are making a day of it! We are will have more time for discussion, exploration, and personal growth. The day starts at 9:00 and runs into the afternoon. The online option is only for broadcasting. We encourage everyone to join us face to face:)

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Presbytery Stated Meetings

March 15, 2025

First Presbyterian Church Wooster

621 College Avenue Wooster, OH 44691

9:00 to 11:30   Worship and Discussion Groups

11:30 to 12:00 Book of Order Amendments

12:00 to 2:00 Lunch and Remaining Business

June 17, 2025

Pioneer Presbyterian Church

873 Carson Street

Belpre, OH 45714

6:00 PM Worship

7:00 PM Business

September 13, 2025

Church of the Covenant

3014 Fulton Drive, NW

Canton, OH 44718

December 9, 2025

Uhrichsville First Presbyterian Church

633 N Main Street

Uhrichsville, OH 44683

Order of the Day, March 15th

9:00 worship and discussion

11:30 Book of Order Amendments

12:00 lunch and discussion

1:00 remaining business of the day

The day concludes with the celebration of elders who have passed away in 2024 and communion.

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Rev. Timothy Dyck

Tim grew up oversees as the child of missionaries. As an adult, he served as a social worker before he became a pastor. Recently Tim has helped one of our struggling congregations as the chair of an administrative commission.

Reports and Actions of the Assembly

Updates are being made regularly. Depending on your privacy and cooking settings in your web browser, you may nee to clear your cache to view the latest updates.

Stated Clerk, Elder Alison Blondheim

Process for Voting on Amendments:

  • The Stated Clerk will ask if any amendments desire an individual discussion and vote. Two people are required to ask for an amendment to be considered individually.
  • Next all remaining amendments will be discussed and voted on in an omnibus motion. Those who are speaking on the floor will be given 1.5 minutes each to read prepared remarks. Comments will be limited to an equal number of speakers (for and against). For example, if 10 people want to speak for an amendment and 2 people want to speak against it, each side will be permitted 2 speakers. “For” commissioners will line up on the floor, left of the moderator. “Against” commissioners will line up on the floor, right of the moderator.
  • Then individual amendments will be discussed and voted upon as necessary. Those who are speaking on the floor will be given 1.5 minutes each to read prepared remarks. Comments will be limited to an equal number of speakers (for and against). For example, if 10 people want to speak for an amendment and 2 people want to speak against it, each side will be permitted 2 speakers. “For” commissioners will line up on the floor, left of the moderator. “Against” commissioners will line up on the floor, right of the moderator.
24-A F-1.0403 To add gender identity and sexual orientation to the list of race, ethnicity, age, sex, disability, geography or theological conviction that represents our “Unity in Diversity.”
24-B G-1.0104 To provide a minimal, flexible, and adaptable level of historic Reformed polity for small worshiping communities that wish to identify with the larger church in worship and formation, discipleship, and mission.
24-C G-2.0104b To align ordination standards to reflect 24-A (above) by adding the phrase “the Historic Principles of Church Order (F-3.01), and in the principles of participation and representation found in F-1.0403.”
24-D G-2.0504b To extend “temporary pastoral relationships” from 12 to 36 months before they need to be reviewed by the presbytery.
24-E G-2.0504b To disallow non-disclosure agreements when temporary pastoral relationships end.
24-F G-2.0610 To keep confidential details during accommodations for inquirers and candidates seeking ordination confidential.
24-G G-2.0901 To disallow non-disclosure agreements when pastoral relationships end.
24-H G-3.0106 To add “adults with vulnerabilities” to the list of policies all councils of the church shall adopt.
24-I G-3.0302d To no longer requiring a second presbytery to concur on overtures. Concurrence would still be permitted.
24-J G-3.0501 To include more commissioners to serve at each General Assembly of the PCUSA by adjusting required presbytery sizes to send specific numbers of commissioners.
24-K D-7.0501 To add required civil reporting for clerks during disciplinary cases when they have the “knowledge of harm, or risk of harm, related to the physical abuse, neglect, and/or sexual molestation or abuse of a minor or adult lacking mental capacity.”
24-L D-7.0902b To clarify “administrative leave” as “paid administrative leave” for Ministers of Word and Sacrament accused of sexual misconduct. Presbyteries may share the burden of this cost.
24-M Episcopal-Presbyterian Agreement on Local Sharing of Ministries

[Omnibus Motion]

  • APPROVE: Stated Meeting Minutes held on December 11, 2024
  • RECEIVE: Terms of Call Report
  • RECEIVE: Attendance Report from the Stated Meeting held on December 11, 2024
  • ELECTION: Lisa Rumbaugh as Moderator Elect for 2025
  • APPROVE: Elder extension for two ruling elders.
  • APPROVE: COM presents the following Elders to be given permission to administer communion at their home church: Sonny Place (Barlow PC), Sadie Rowan (Barlow PC), Cathy Borich (Beverly PC), Stacy Brooks (Beverly PC), Angie Dixon (Beverly PC), Phil Lowe (Beverly PC), Hellen Shoemaker (Beverly PC), Sam Skinner (Beverly PC), Edith Ophardt (Christ PC), Carol Jones (John Knox PC), Diana Jones (John Knox PC), Judy Southwood (John Knox PC), Robert Wright (First PC, Warsaw), Gail Reynolds (First PC, Marietta), Dave Rogers (Pioneer PC), Maggie Webster (Pioneer PC), Mary Reed (Watertown PC), Penny Starling (Watertown PC)
  • APPROVE: Unity PC and First Cambridge PC merged in 2023 and have requested to sell the building that Unity PC had used in the past. Funds will be used to further their local mission.

Additional Notes from the Stated Clerk:

Committee On Ministry, Rev. Mark Unrue

  • Trainings: Leading Worship as a Community Event, May 10; Building an Effective Session, June 21; Introduction to Biblical Interpretation (Books of Moses), July 19; Introduction to Biblical Interpretation (The Writings in the Hebrew Scriptures), August 16. (For more events and dates see Elder Enhancement.)
  • Wee Kirk Conference, October 13-15, 2025.
  • Board of Pensions Overview

Committee on Preparation for Ministry, Rev. Justin Hylden

  • No current motions.
  • Training: Preparing to Preach, April 26 (See Elder Enhancement)
  • Seminary students to pray for: Na Yang (Inquirer), Tim Pollock (Candidate), FeiFei Xu (Inquirer), Jiaxing Young Ouyang (Inquirer)
  • CRE students to pray for: Don McDonald, Mark Nutter

Administration, Elder Mike Mast Treasurer

Nominating, Elder Joan Brode

Elections: See omnibus motion above

Supplemental Documents for the Day

Leadership on a 1st Century Greco Roman Boat